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Donna Cameron, Author of A Year of Living Kindly Book | Nashville Book Review

Date(s) - 10/10/18
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Third Place Books Lake Forest Park


Most of us aspire to be kind. But being kind isn’t always easy. Our best intentions often fade when the realities of daily life intrude: traffic, telemarketers, crowded spaces, time constraints, and our own ineptness. Being kind when we don’t feel like it, or when all of our buttons are being pushed, is hard. But that’s also when it’s most needed.

In these pages you’ll see how a commitment to kindness will improve your life in countless ways, and ultimately can be world-changing. You’ll discover:

Why choosing kindness is good for you
Why extending and receiving kindness is often difficult
What the barriers are to kindness and how to overcome them
What to do when you’re faced with unkindness and incivility
How kindness is a strength that will bring you peace and happiness
Want to change your life and also change the world? It begins with choosing kindness.

Donna Cameron has spent her career working with nonprofit organizations and causes as an executive, consultant, trainer, and volunteer. She has seen kindness in action and been awed by its power to transform. While she considered herself a reasonably nice person (with occasional lapses into bitchiness), she knew that true kindness was a step above. When she committed to a year of living kindly, she learned that it takes practice, patience, and understanding…and a sense of humor helps, too. The recipient of multiple awards, Cameron has also published numerous articles and, in 2011, coauthored “One Hill, Many Voices: Stories of Hope and Healing” with Kristen Leathers. Raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Cameron and her husband now live in a suburb of Seattle. https://ayearoflivingkindly.com/