Better Health: Happier Living: 53 Ways to Dramatically Improve Your Health and Well-Being

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Better Health: Happier Living is a wonderful guide full of useful and informative tips for helping one live a better life. It starts with the most crucial issue—mainly the food we eat. The author points out how numerous fad diets have been less than helpful to many and how sticking to a sensible plan based on both the standard recommended food pyramid and the Mediterranean diet can help our bodies function at their best. The book moves on from the vital role of food to the encouragement of more physical and mental activities to keep both the body and the brain working at its best.

This is a book that I will return to again when I need a reminder to improve my lifestyle, particularly my eating habits or just when I need a little encouragement to get myself going in a better direction. I especially liked the author’s tips on positive thinking and the downside of being a perfectionist. Also, the advice on getting more Vitamin D and how the body actually absorbs it was fascinating and something I did not know. The tip for getting healthy in order to lose weight is also one that will likely benefit many who want to make more permanent changes in their lives.

I think Mr. Klein’s message of taking control of food and lifestyle choices is important and will appeal to a broad audience.—especially because, as he points out so clearly, the big companies producing, and more importantly, processing our food are far more interested in their financial bottom line than our heath. Because we cannot always trust what we are told, we must be able to make the best choices possible, and this book helps highlight some of those.

Most of all, this well-written guide was a pleasure to read. It was uplifting and upbeat—not least of all because Mr. Klein has such a good sense of humor, which he was able to deploy throughout the course of this work. I found his 53 tips useful and worthwhile. This book definitely encouraged me to think more about what I’m eating and inspired me to start thinking more about how I can make improvements to my own life. No doubt anyone who wants to do more to take control of their health and happiness will feel the same.

Reviewed By:

Author David Klein
Star Count 5/5
Format eBook
Page Count 164 pages
Publisher 789 Parkhurst Lane
Publish Date 2019-05-19
ISBN 9781095399712 Buy this Book
Issue September 2019
Category Health, Fitness & Dieting


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