Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear
“Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear” by Nadine Brun-Cosme is an energetic tale of friendship with a surprise mindfulness twist. Children will identify themselves and their friends in the playful characters, as Tallec’s illustrations effectively communicate the friends’ joy in being together in all weather.
The story follows three forest friends as they play through the seasons. Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear find something fun to do in each season, from having parties in the summer to throwing golden leaves in the fall. However, their adventures never take them down “the long, winding path” for various reasons. When Rabbit finds herself unable to avoid the path, she is surprised by what she finds at its end. She is even more surprised by her friends’ reaction to her discovery!
Brun-Cosme’s prose is simple and lyrical, and the close bond between Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear is communicated effortlessly through the story and the illustrations. Nature’s playground is showcased throughout through simple, accessible activities ready to be tried. The book notes “the long, winding path” several times, foreshadowing the climax, and the end of that path is satisfying.
“Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear” evokes a timeless, classic feel. It will inspire young readers and their caregivers to enjoy all the gifts the outdoors can provide.
Author | Nadine Brun-Cosme; illustrated by Olivier Tallec |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Hardcover Picture Book |
Page Count | 40 pages |
Publisher | Random House Studio |
Publish Date | February 13, 2023 |
ISBN | 9780593486986 |
Bookshop.org | Buy this Book |
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Category | Children's |
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