The Night of His Birth
Internationally acclaimed author Katherine Paterson shares the story of Jesus’ birth through the eyes of wonderment and astonishment of a mother who expected to never bear a child, let alone the sacred child of God. The Night of His Birth begins with the minutes following the shepherds’ first visit to see the newly born Christ child. Upon their departure, Mary begins reflecting on the time she learned of the immaculate conception by the angel who delivered God’s life-changing message. She couldn’t fathom why God had chosen such a person as she – “a nothing child, a poor man’s girl” – to bear his one and only son. She left Elizabeth’s house with a feeling of elation streaming through her soul. Upon hearing the news, her mother greeted her with tears of anger. Mary’s father silently wondered whether she might be mad or simply deceitful. Even Joseph had difficulty believing that such a miracle could be a reality. Once her precious baby is finally born, Mary remains in awe of the gift God has bestowed upon her, the gift that will someday save the world.
The Night of His Birth is an unmistakably beautiful story of the birth of Jesus from a fresh and enlightening perspective. By capturing the beguilement, the joy, and the gratitude of Mary – an unsuspecting mother of a child of unimaginable magnitude – through poetic text and narration, the author enables readers to grasp the depth of the experience. The magnificent, alluring illustrations by Norwegian author and illustrator Lisa Aisato illuminate the pages and bring the story to life. The text is rich with descriptive language and crafted to require some breadth of knowledge in order to decipher some of its deeper meaning. While younger children might enjoy the colorful enticement of the illustrations, older ones will find greater meaning in the text. Further, this colossal story is ideal for educators to share with their students in Christian elementary school classrooms around the nation during the days leading up to the celebration of the Christ Child’s birth.
Author | Katherine Paterson |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 32 pages |
Publisher | Flyaway Books |
Publish Date | 2019-09-17 |
ISBN | 9781947888128 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | December 2019 |
Category | Children's |
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