India’s War: World War II and the Making of Modern South Asia
India, a huge territory of the British Empire, was a major part of the British strategy in WWII. This is India’s side of the story, and a gripping story it is. Factions in India were already working for independence before WWII, and Britain’s entry exacerbated India’s political divisions; varying interests gained or lost power throughout the course of the war. Military engagements also impacted Indian and British policy, and both were influenced by world opinion, especially that of the United States. The Indian economy fluctuated with the war as well, with important implications for India’s citizens; all these had lasting repercussions, eventually leading to Partition and the break from Britain. This book is a detailed, thorough, and lengthy but readable account that draws together all the threads and groups that comprised India during this time period. It is a huge subject, but the author takes pains to help readers understand the various points of view and differing experiences of politicians, soldiers, and citizens throughout the war with extensive use of quotations and personal stories, statistics, maps, graphs, and even a few photos. This brilliant book is essential reading for understanding this area of the world, from WWII through today.
Author | Srinath Raghavan |
Star Count | 5/5 |
Format | Hard |
Page Count | 592 pages |
Publisher | Basic Books |
Publish Date | 2016-05-10 |
ISBN | 9780465030224 | | Buy this Book |
Issue | August 2016 |
Category | History |
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